dear dictator
*ongoing research

with Noé Oliva Rodríguez, a friend

an agreement is made by which a friend and I will take decisions for one another for a few hours every day.
we also ask each other to decide on what we think will be the most important decisions to make in the coming month.
we try to take those decisions as if no other laws, rules or regulations existed, based on the mutual recognition, trust and care we have for each other.

we experiment on a way of decision making which could overcome hierarchical imposition, the paralising burden of hesitation when we have to take individual decisions in our lives (is this something characteristic of our generation?), the dependency on professionals to make decisions on our behalf: politicians, gods, urban planners, theatre programmers, fortune tellers, multicolour therapists, etc.

this arrangement is de-individualizing, non hierarchical, mutual, consented, unimposed, direct and rotatory

visitors to
Come Together (Frascati, Amsterdam, 2017) are invited to take decisions for each other in pairs for the duration of the evening.

the arrangement of pairs could also be transformed into a chain instead, so that I could take a decision for someone else, then that person for someone else, and so on and on.

- delegation of decisions agreement form for one evening
- delegation of most important decisions form for one month
- delegation of decisions request form
clara garcía fraile